Mitchell Kanashkevich - Traditions, culture, travel photography

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This is the most important quality for a travel photographer

Is there a special quality that travel photographers need to be successful? In this video, I’m gonna look into the BIG QUESTION. What is the most important quality for a travel photographer to possess? You’ll also discover how you can leverage this quality to take your travel photography to the next level.

I’ve been a pro travel photographer for over a decade. Over this time, I have noticed that there are a few traits that help you succeed as a travel photographer. However, I have come to strongly believe that there is one quality which stands above all others. It’s not a trick or a gimmick. You’ll find out what this quality is in the first minutes of the video.

The more important part though is to explore HOW this quality can be used to your advantage. What exactly can it help you achieve? How can you leverage it in practical ways? As always, I’ll share my personal experiences - the good and the bad. Hopefully, you can learn from my trial and error and save some time.